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Word of Truth Scripture Ministry
Friday, 27 February 2004
Quotes Part 3
Now Playing: How do we deal with troubles in our life?
Topic: Quotes
*** Do you want a happy Christian life? Knowledge won't give it to you. What will give it to you? The enjoyment of Christ in your life.

*** True religion is the manifestation of the nature of God in His children.

*** If I have arthritis, it is an infirmity of the flesh; if my arthritis makes me cranky or impatient that is sin.

*** It is alright to groan but not to grumble.

*** Thirst, hunger and weariness are natural to the flesh, not infirmities of the flesh.

*** The Lord Jesus was perfect God and perfect man as He walked here on earth.

*** Christianity is the only religion in the world that gives man a pure object for his hearts affection. All other religious founders lay in the grave.

*** The secret of a happy Christian life is learning to commune with the Lord as you would with a near and a dear friend.

*** The sin that we commit does not produce our state of soul but manifests it. Why do I sin, because I want to.

*** In the things of God you have to taste and walk in them to know the blessedness of them. There is no enjoyment of the truth apart from walking in it.

*** It is not what you know that controls your life, but it is the enjoyment of Christ in the heart that truly separates us from the world and brings a peace, contentment and happiness of which the world knows nothing.

Posted by dondegr8 at 9:07 AM EST

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