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Word of Truth Scripture Ministry
Tuesday, 20 July 2004
Tone of Meetings
Now Playing: Are we in a right state of soul before the Lord ?
Topic: Spiritual State
Where the tone of things is felt to be low, and meetings to be unprofitable, and some things repeatedly out of place, let all who feel it wait on God continually, believing, and He will assuredly hear and answer. These very trials and exercises which are peculiar to the Assembly of God will have the happy effect of casting us more on Him, and thus the eater will yield meat and the strong sweetness.

These trials and difficulties can be expected in the assembly beause it is right and divine. The devil will put forth every effort to drive us from that true and holy ground. He will try our patience, hurt our feelings and cause offense in numberless ways: anything to make us forsake the assembly.

Divine ground can only be held by faith. This marks the assembly of God and distinguishes it from every human system.

C H Mackintosh

Posted by dondegr8 at 12:14 PM EDT

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