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Word of Truth Scripture Ministry
Thursday, 25 March 2004
Quotes Part 6
Now Playing: Do we know the heart of man and the heart of God?
Topic: Quotes
*** Every unconverted man that you meet is governed by two things; his own lusts, and public opinion.

*** Never count your converts - you will never count enough.

*** We can have as much of Christ as we want, and our lives show how much we want of Him.

*** God has given the work of Christ for our consciences, the Person of Christ for our meditation; and the love of Christ to warm our hearts.

*** This world is not an adequate platform for the manifestation of the ways of God in government [but Israel was].

*** Every exhortation of scripture is founded upon what we possess, it is not a matter of attainment, and God uses exhortation to show us what we possess.

*** We break bread, if intelligently, not merely as forgiven sinners, but as members of the body of Christ.

*** God intends that we should breath by faith, the atmosphere of heaven before we get there.

*** Death is the principle of Christianity; resurrection is its power.

*** Christian obedience is not law-keeping, but delight in love, giving subjection to the will of another, whether expressed or not.

*** The blood of Christ puts my sins away - the death of Christ puts me away - the cross of Christ separates me from the world.

*** You never met a man who walked with God, who at the end of his life said, "I wish I hadn't done it?" and you never will.

*** The sovereignty of God does not lessen man's responsibility. Scripture treats man as a sinner, to be restored to God or judged. Rationalists, as a race to be educated.

*** The unconverted mind of man is the plaything of the devil.

*** I never knew a man to get converted by getting a raise in pay. It's a man's need that brings him to Christ.

*** The first great step, when a man desires to be saved, is unqualified self-condemnation.

*** Conversion is the turning of the heart and will to God through grace. The fear of God is the setting aside of will.

*** God is sufficient unto Himself in every thing but love. He must have objects to love.

*** Man measures sin by man's treatment of man. God measures sin by man's treatment of Christ.

*** In God's presence sin is not measured by transgression, but by what God is.

*** All our unhappiness and failure, whether as saint of sinner, springs from unbelief of the goodness that is in the heart of God for us.

*** Anything that robs your soul of joy in the Lord, robs you of the richest treasure you know in life's pathway.

*** All our intelligence and all our happiness depends upon how we treat the Divine guest that dwells within.

Posted by dondegr8 at 6:36 PM EST
Wednesday, 10 March 2004
Quotes Part 5
Now Playing: Are we facing disappointment or His appointment in our lives?
Topic: Quotes
*** Truth that requires faith to walk by, is resisted by the natural heart.

*** Not one right thought of God ever entered the heart of man through his intellect, but through the conscience.

*** The conscience is the guide to true knowledge. It never turns infidel.

*** He puts sorrow and joy together on our road home; tribulation and joy together; deep poverty and joy together.

*** The thickest cloud brings the heaviest showers of blessing.

*** Little by little with the skill of a master's hand and the gentleness of a Father's heart He woos with His love and weans us through circumstances from earth to heaven.

*** The divine nature is shown by having God as its object.

*** His presence gives moral courage for Christian obedience.

*** Faith and salvation go together. Obedience and happiness go together.

*** We get away with nothing! Beware of the government of God. There is a government of God. Every act in your life and mine has both present and eternal consequences.

*** There is something in everyone of us, speaker included, that only God can correct.

*** The Bible never brings comfort to a Christian who is walking carelessly. Correction despised brings sharper correction.

*** God will never, never send trial into our life without a needs be (1 Peter 1:6) on our part, and a purpose of love on His part.

*** He may test your faith but He will never disappoint your faith.

*** If you did everything right, nothing would be right, except the motive was right; it is the motive that gives value to the act.

*** The motive that governs the heart is the true estimate of man's moral condition before God.

*** Happiness is a state of soul, not a question of circumstances. Circumstances do not produce your state of soul, they only manifest it.

*** It is not by change of circumstances that we can be made happy, but by submission to the will of God.

*** Never fear persecution; it will make your face shine like an angel's

*** Take your circumstances from the Lord, and your difficulties to the Lord.

*** Every blessing of God is an apex, a mountain peak, beyond which even God cannot go. If He has not won your heart and mine, what more could He do to win it.

Posted by dondegr8 at 5:46 PM EST
Wednesday, 3 March 2004
Quotes Part 4
Now Playing: What forms our thoughts, this world or the Word?
Topic: Quotes
*** Practice the habit of meditation when you read. You will find the precious ore is there in its richness, but you will have to do a little meditation to discover it.

*** It is not what you eat that nourishes your body. It is what you digest, and it is the same with spiritual things.

*** Every time you eat, God is teaching you that life springs out of death because everything you eat dies except salt.

*** There is not a ray of light that can pierce the inky darkness that lies beyond the grave outside of the Word of God, the Bible.

*** Every time you say, "I think," you think wrongly - on every moral and spiritual subject - unless your thoughts are formed by the Word of God.

*** Anything that is not the truth [of the Word of God], is nonsense, and illogical.

*** A text without a context is a pretext. Words get their meaning from the context in which they are found.

*** Never take your thoughts to the Word of God - take your thoughts from the Word of God

*** Conscience speaks from within - never can it tell of God's character - revelation gives this.

*** Faith doesn't reason, and reason isn't faith, though faith is never unreasonable.

*** The soul never imbibes truth in Living power but as it so requires.

*** It is the hardest thing to get even Christians to see that the church's blessings are heavenly [and] not earthly.

*** Every school book, every magazine, every newspaper that you read will make the horizon of all your thoughts the world in which you live. The Word of God is the only book that tells you to lay up treasures in heaven.

Posted by dondegr8 at 6:09 PM EST
Friday, 27 February 2004
Quotes Part 3
Now Playing: How do we deal with troubles in our life?
Topic: Quotes
*** Do you want a happy Christian life? Knowledge won't give it to you. What will give it to you? The enjoyment of Christ in your life.

*** True religion is the manifestation of the nature of God in His children.

*** If I have arthritis, it is an infirmity of the flesh; if my arthritis makes me cranky or impatient that is sin.

*** It is alright to groan but not to grumble.

*** Thirst, hunger and weariness are natural to the flesh, not infirmities of the flesh.

*** The Lord Jesus was perfect God and perfect man as He walked here on earth.

*** Christianity is the only religion in the world that gives man a pure object for his hearts affection. All other religious founders lay in the grave.

*** The secret of a happy Christian life is learning to commune with the Lord as you would with a near and a dear friend.

*** The sin that we commit does not produce our state of soul but manifests it. Why do I sin, because I want to.

*** In the things of God you have to taste and walk in them to know the blessedness of them. There is no enjoyment of the truth apart from walking in it.

*** It is not what you know that controls your life, but it is the enjoyment of Christ in the heart that truly separates us from the world and brings a peace, contentment and happiness of which the world knows nothing.

Posted by dondegr8 at 9:07 AM EST
Tuesday, 24 February 2004
Quotes Part 2
Now Playing: Finding fault in ourselves or others?
Topic: Quotes
*** Suffering can be pleasure if it is for someone you love. If you are following or serving the Lord, suffering can be a special joy.

*** The more we have of Christ in our hearts, the less room there is for self. Self-denial is discipline for life - the work of every hour.

*** Every person you meet is either living for self or for the Lord Jesus Christ. I am delivered from self by occupation with Christ.

*** Joy will ever rise in proportion to prayer and thanksgiving. To have power in prayer there must be purity in one's life.

*** The greatest victory you will ever gain in your Christian life will be gained on your knees. We have been restored to apostolic position of the truth but not to apostolic power.

*** God takes into account all the extenuating circumstances of our lives.

*** There is no fault in the human character but that the grace of God can help us to overcome. God is never frustrated or thwarted in His purposes.

*** If God doesn't give guidance as to the path of faith no one else can, and if God does no one else need.

*** The Lord Jesus in becoming a man took on Him a body capable of death but not subject to it.

*** Don't go to bed at night with an unkind and unjudged thought toward anyone in the world.

*** Much self-judgement makes a man slow to judge others; and the very gentleness of such an one gives a keen edge to his rebukes.

*** How long should we bear and forbear in the path of devotedness and faithfulness to Christ? Until we get home to glory.

Posted by dondegr8 at 8:11 AM EST
Thursday, 19 February 2004
Quotes Part 1
Now Playing: Thoughts to consider (H.E. Hayhoe)
Topic: Quotes
*** God loves you, not because of what you are, but because of what He is, and the will and heart of God is the source of every blessing the heart can know.

*** There will never be a look, cross His face, that will remind us how much we cost Him.

*** Though Christ can be grieved at a thousand things in us that no eye but His can see, yet none is so easily pleased by our little endeavors of love as He.

*** The Spirit of God would ever search our hearts that the motive spring of all our service should be love.

*** Every joy the Lord had came from above. It was not the weather that made the Lord Jesus a happy joyful servant; it was communion with the Father

*** The Lord Jesus passed through every form and kind of suffering that it was possible for a righteous man to pass through, apart from sin.

*** Many of the sufferings of Christ were not to put our sins away, but that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest, and to tell out the depth of the divine bosom that we might know in richer measure how much He loves us.

*** Never try to love the Lord more than you do - just sit down and think of how much He loves you. It will increase your love for Him.

Posted by dondegr8 at 2:51 PM EST

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