Now Playing: Are we willing to trust in God in every situation ?
Topic: Devotion
Genesis 22:4-5; Hebrews 11:17-19
Genesis 22:4-5 says, "Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off. And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you."
In these verses there are three things in particular that reveal the tremendous faith of Abraham.
First, he told the young men who were with him, "Abide ye here." Once Abraham saw the mountain that God was going to send him to, he wanted to be sure that nothing or no one would hinder what he had undertaken.
Second, Abraham told the young men, "I and the lad will go yonder and worship." Thus Abraham gave up all of his desires and ascribed everything to God. It was a true act of worship when Abraham was willing to give up everything for God.
Third, Abraham told the young men, "I and the lad will. . . come again to you." His faith was in the God of the resurrection. He believed that God would bring his son back to life.
Can we trust God when we are totally unable to see how He is going to work out His will? Abraham demonstrated that he could.
"Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him" (Job 13:15).
(from T. Epp)