Now Playing: How do we treat others for whom Christ died ?
Topic: Quotes
*** You and I should love saints no matter how unlovely they appear outwardly. They are dear to Him; if we walk with God we love them without effort.
*** Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, our minds make up our moral history in this world. We are what we love and think about as an object, and this forms the whole pattern of our life down here.
*** At His coming we are going to be like Christ - morally and physically.
*** Gift is not sanctified [natural] ability. Gift is not godliness.
*** Communion with Christ can only be kept up by constant watchfulness. The consciousness that God is with you gives power. There is no substitute for communion.
*** The minute I see a brother or a sister trying to get folks on their side on any question, I know that they are not walking in the wisdom of God.
*** Walk with God and the Spirit of God will always testify as to the rightness of your ways.
*** If the world can understand your life, you are not walking with God. The nearer we walk with God, the more we become an oddity to the world.
*** We should be humble and happy. Humble because we are so little like Him and happy because He loves us so.
*** If there is one thing more than another that we need to guard against, it is to watch lest the heart's affections grow cold.
*** The moment my affections grow cold, my feet are going to wander and the world is going to get into my heart.
*** The one longing desire of my heart in ministry is to so plant Christ in the affections of Christians that they will desire to live in Him.
*** It is unbelief of the goodness that is in the heart of God that is in the root of all coldness, carelessness and lack of earnestness in the things of God.
*** One of the evil fruits of long continued spiritual negligence, is the soul's ignorance of its own state.
*** From the time you open your eyes in the morning till you close them at night, everything you see and hear tends to put the world into your heart.
*** If you set your heart upon an automobile it may burn up or you may have an accident and it will be destroyed; but if you set your heart on Christ you will never lose your object
*** The deception and power of present things is of the Devil, the perception of them is of God.
*** The higher we get in this world - the closer we get to the god and prince of it. God does not train His servants in the college of brick and stone - He trains them in the school of adversity.
*** Our special mark of a "sound mind" is readiness to take counsel of God.
*** All true knowledge, all moral knowledge, begins by putting God in His place; nothing is right and true without that.
*** The world says, "You must know something of evil." God says, "Be wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil." You get just as black fighting a chimney sweep as you do hugging him.
*** The wisdom of God is not an extension of man's wisdom, it is not an improvement of man's wisdom, but in every case, it is the opposite of man's wisdom.
*** The book of Proverbs gives us heavenly wisdom for an earthly pathway.
*** All true knowledge, all moral knowledge, begins by putting God in His place: nothing is right or true without that.
*** What are we in this world for, to get rich - no - we are here to learn the manifold grace and wisdom of God.
*** No ceremonial is worth a straw if the heart does not honour Christ.
*** By religious forms, man is made religious without possessing holiness. Anything that exalts man is not of God.
*** False religion will send more people to hell than anything else.
*** Not one thing that you know is the result of your reason; it is either testimony or experience. What do you know? - Did reason tell you or faith?
*** Are you a mother? Do not be satisfied to tell your children the way of salvation. Tell them about the beauties of Christ; give the wisdom of the Word and seek to guide their footprints through this world into that faith and faithfulness that should characterize the family of God (2 Tim. 1:5)
Posted by dondegr8
at 11:50 AM EST