Now Playing: What is it that truly governs the affairs of our life?
Topic: Quotes
*** There is no such thing as "Good Luck" or being fortunate. Nothing happens by chance to the Christian. Why not say "through mercy" or "through the Lord's goodness." Why not His ordering?
*** When we get home to glory and have a backward look over our history, we will find He was doing the very best He could for us each day of our lives according to our state of soul.
*** The grandest truth that I have discovered in all the word of God is this - that God became a man in Christ, walked throughout this world as a man, died on the cross as a man, then arose from among the dead, to remain a man forever - why - that He might enjoy our companionship for all eternity. (1 Cor. 15:28)
*** The Word of God came not by the will of man but rather is addressed to all with authority from God. It is the only book in the world whose prophecies are unfailingly true, because man cannot tell the future. It is also the only book that the natural man cannot understand. It is not written so as to work on the emotions and does not record the physical characteristics of Christ or the Apostles but rather gives us their moral features. There is nothing in Scripture contrary to reason - yet it does contain what is beyond reason, and must necessarily do so, because it comes from God. It brings together the answer to the truth of Light and Love and nothing is needed outside the Word to receive life, or to walk in godliness.
*** Read the Word of God, the Bible, until your mind is so saturated with it that you think and act in the light of Scripture.
*** Psalm 94:12-13 is the key to the whole book of the Psalms. Isaiah 5:4 is the key to the whole of the Old Testament. John 11:52 is the key to the book of Acts. Ephesians 1:10 is the key to the whole Bible.
*** The only failure of an Old Testament saint recorded in the New Testament is that of Elijah making intercession to God against Israel (Romans 11:2-3).
*** The book of Proverbs gives us heavenly wisdom for an earthly pathway.
*** "The children ought not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children" (2 Cor. 12:14), and that does not just mean money!
*** What are we in the world for, to get rich - no - we are here to learn the manifold grace and wisdom of God.
*** The world says, "You must know something of evil." God says, "Be wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil." You get just as black fighting a chimney sweep as you do hugging him.
*** No ceremonial is worth a straw if the heart does not honour Christ.
*** By religious forms, man is made religious without possessing holiness. Anything that exalts man is not of God.
*** False religion will send more people to hell than anything else.
*** Christianity is not an adjunct of Judaism but an entirely separate and distinct work of God.
*** Not one thing that you know is the result of your reason; it is either testimony or experience. What do you know? - Did reason tell you or faith?
*** Faith and salvation go together. Obedience and happiness go together.
*** Do not look at the people that persecute you, but the reason why you are persecuted.
*** God never takes us out of the difficulties into which our folly has plunged us, but He will be with us in them.
Posted by dondegr8
at 6:05 PM EDT