The Form of Sound Words - 2 Tim. 1:13



My Topical & Devotional Mediations can be found at
with some accompanying links (350+) to Biblical resources
My "Word of Truth" web site can be found at
with some accompanying links (25+) to Assembly resources
My "Reading Exhortation Doctrine" site can be found at
with some accompanying links (25+) to Assembly resources
My "Exceedingly Precious Promises" site can be found at
with some accompanying links (25+) to Christian resources
My "Lead me in a Plain Path" site can be found at
with some accompanying links (50+) to Brethren resources
(Psalm 5:1-3, Psalm 19:7-14)

Passage for Meditation (Psalm 25:9-14)
Please note that each web site linked to below is responsible for its own content.  The editor ( can suggest usefulness to various aspects of each Biblically-based site, but only the Scriptures are completely reliable (Psalm 119:89, 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20,21), and each reader must use godly discernment in reviewing any material available through 1st-level or 2nd-level web links.  Any believers are welcome to express concerns over any linked web sites or accompanying material which fails the test of scriptural usefulness.  Also, you are welcome to let me know of any "dead" links which are no longer active. "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good" (1 Thes. 5:21)

Updates to this web site will occur occasionally.
Currently Bible web links can be found
(left side page) which together access approximately 500+ web sites directly
Currently the 12 General Categories Used Are:
1) Contacts for New Believers
Featured Sites:
How to get Saved
How to get to Heaven
The Gospel Message in 19 Languages
2) Hungry Hearts for Truth (Devotionals)
Featured Sites:
Chapter a Day (Norman Berry)
Daily Devotionals (Back to the Bible)
Our Daily Bread (archives)
3) Biblical Brethren Resources
Featured Sites:
Bible Counsel (by R.L. DeWitt)
In the Beloved (Continental Brethren)
Bible Classics (includes J.N.D. Synopsis)
4) Gospel Ministries for any Christian
Featured Sites: 
Case for Creation
Blue Letter Bible 
Answers in Genesis (Creation)
5) Research Resources for Christians
Featured Sites:
Christian Directory
Internet Christian Library (ICL)
Dispensational Teaching
6) Bible Research Special Tools
Featured Sites:
Bible Search Interface
Vine's Dictionary
Hebrew & Greek Lexicon
7) Assembly Teaching on Biblical Gathering
Featured Sites:
Fitzwilliam Square
J.N.D. Ministry
William Kelly articles on "The Church of God"
8) Special Care for Doctrinal Content
Featured Sites:
Christian Research Institute (Bible Answer Man)
Brethren History
9) Sources for Christian Ministry & Gospel Tracts
Featured Sites:
Bibles & Publications
Moments with the Book
Precious Seed
10) Christian Hymn Resources
Featured Sites:
Little Flock Hymns
Spiritual Songs
Cyber Hymnal (plays hymns online)
11) Archives for Teaching & Apologetics
Featured Sites:
J.N.D. Ministry Archive
Christian Archive (ECM)
C.H. Spurgeon Archives
12) Bible Prophecy Resources
Featured Sites:
Bible Prophecies
Pre-Tribulation Research Center
Rapture Ready
There was a Tripod Web Server outage on December 19th/2003 for a few hours.  This may occur a few times a year.
Recent changes to this site include new background colors, additional Christian quotes, and archived Gems from 2003 & 2004.  Changes will continue regularly as the need requires.  (Psalm 119:59)

Another Topic for Consideration (Psalm 27:1-6)

How do we adequately divide up our time with our personal walk, our family life, our fellowship with those who fear Him, our work responsibilities, our vacations, social events (weddings, holiday gatherings), and our hobbies ?  The Apostle Paul says "redeeming the time, because the days are evil ..." (Ephesians 5:16).  The Lord must give individual guidance in our own set of circumstances.  In John 1:38, 39 Jesus says to a few "what seekest thou ?"  They respond genuinely, "where dwellest thou?"  Then Jesus says " 'Come and see'...and they came and saw where He dwelt, and abode with Him that dayThey didn't have to wait for another time to find the One in who are "all the treasures of wisdom of knowledge" (Colossians 2:3)

How marvelous to be able to fly !
We have something better to anticipate ! (1 Thes. 4:17)

Pictures will be added at a future time, perhaps of gospel efforts and those involved.  (Acts 16:10)

Updates will be made as time permits (Matthew 6:32-34)