Now Playing: What is our own state of soul in His presence?
Topic: Quotes
*** God loves you, not because of what you are, but because of what He is, and the will and heart of God is the source of every blessing the heart can know.
*** There will never be a look, cross His face, that will remind us how much we cost Him.
*** Though Christ can be grieved at a thousand things in us that no eye but His can see, yet none is so easily pleased by our little endeavors of love as He.
*** The Spirit of God would ever search our hearts that the motive spring of all our service should be love.
*** Every joy the Lord had came from above. It was not the weather that made the Lord Jesus a happy joyful servant; it was communion with the Father
*** The Lord Jesus passed through every form and kind of suffering that it was possible for a righteous man to pass through, apart from sin.
*** Many of the sufferings of Christ were not to put our sins away, but that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest, and to tell out the depth of the divine bosom that we might know in richer measure how much He loves us.
*** Never try to love the Lord more than you do - just sit down and think of how much He loves you. It will increase your love for Him.
*** Suffering can be pleasure if it is for someone you love. If you are following or serving the Lord, suffering can be a special joy.
*** The more we have of Christ in our hearts, the less room there is for self. Self-denial is discipline for life - the work of every hour.
*** Every person you meet is either living for self or for the Lord Jesus Christ. I am delivered from self by occupation with Christ.
*** Joy will ever rise in proportion to prayer and thanksgiving. To have power in prayer there must be purity in one's life.
*** The greatest victory you will ever gain in your Christian life will be gained on your knees. We have been restored to apostolic position of the truth but not to apostolic power.
*** God takes into account all the extenuating circumstances of our lives.
*** There is no fault in the human character but that the grace of God can help us to overcome. God is never frustrated or thwarted in His purposes.
*** If God doesn't give guidance as to the path of faith no one else can, and if God does no one else need.
*** The Lord Jesus in becoming a man took on Him a body capable of death but not subject to it.
*** Don't go to bed at night with an unkind and unjudged thought toward anyone in the world.
*** Much self-judgement makes a man slow to judge others; and the very gentleness of such an one gives a keen edge to his rebukes.
*** How long should we bear and forbear in the path of devotedness and faithfulness to Christ? Until we get home to glory.
Posted by dondegr8
at 8:13 AM EST