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Lead me in a Plain Path
Monday, 12 April 2004
Quotes Part 4
Now Playing: Does our life indicate that we are truly walking with God?
Topic: Quotes
*** You never met a man who walked with God, who at the end of his life said, "I wish I hadn't done it?" and you never will.

*** The sovereignty of God does not lessen man's responsibility. Scripture treats man as a sinner, to be restored to God or judged. Rationalists, as a race to be educated.

*** The unconverted mind of man is the plaything of the devil.

*** I never knew a man to get converted by getting a raise in pay. It's a man's need that brings him to Christ.

*** The first great step, when a man desires to be saved, is unqualified self-condemnation.

*** Conversion is the turning of the heart and will to God through grace. The fear of God is the setting aside of will.

*** God is sufficient unto Himself in every thing but love. He must have objects to love.

*** Man measures sin by man's treatment of man. God measures sin by man's treatment of Christ.

*** In God's presence sin is not measured by transgression, but by what God is.

*** All our unhappiness and failure, whether as saint of sinner, springs from unbelief of the goodness that is in the heart of God for us.

*** Anything that robs your soul of joy in the Lord, robs you of the richest treasure you know in life's pathway.

*** All our intelligence and all our happiness depends upon how we treat the Divine guest that dwells within.

*** You and I should love saints no matter how unlovely they appear outwardly. They are dear to Him; if we walk with God we love them without effort.

*** Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, our minds make up our moral history in this world. We are what we love and think about as an object, and this forms the whole pattern of our life down here.

*** At His coming we are going to be like Christ - morally and physically.

*** Gift is not sanctified [natural] ability. Gift is not godliness.

*** Communion with Christ can only be kept up by constant watchfulness. The consciousness that God is with you gives power. There is no substitute for communion.

*** The minute I see a brother or a sister trying to get folks on their side on any question, I know that they are not walking in the wisdom of God.

*** Walk with God and the Spirit of God will always testify as to the rightness of your ways.

*** If the world can understand your life, you are not walking with God. The nearer we walk with God, the more we become an oddity to the world.

Posted by dondegr8 at 6:04 PM EDT

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